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If you are a warrior who
feels overwhelmed, disconnected

Who is tired of forgetting themselves for others and who often feels empty, disconnected, tired...

I will reveal to you shortly how to do to quickly regain your full vitality, be full of energy and be radiant.

So much so that even your friends will ask you what your thing is, what exactly did you eat?!


Presentation of the training



So, read carefully what follows...

What I propose: a group of real, courageous people, who want more, especially more pleasure in their lives to live a simple ORGASMIK life!!!

For a total of 12 courageous warriors, who are not afraid, who desire truth, transparency and above all to dare to take a big step towards a NEW LIFE...


No magic pills or recipes, but by co-creating using:

  • The power of a group

  • Laws of nature

  • Rituals towards liberation and…

  • Clarity on a physical and mental level!


XBUSHIDO* finally presents the launch of RETREAT 🚀 in Nicaragua where you could find yourself very soon in a corner of paradise with your feet by the sea under the ardent and soothing sun of Nicaragua!

*BUSHIDO simply means
the Way of the Warrior…

  • The one who heals from his enemies, from his inner demons.

  • The one who fights his own battle.

  • The one who stops what no longer suits him

  • The one who creates a life according to his greatest aspirations, according to a code of honor and thus vibrates on his “X”

XBUSHIDO is a philosophy of life based on 4 levels:

  1. Self-awareness

  2. Love of self

  3. Surpassing oneself

  4. Self realisation

Which I created using a unique holistic approach (Mind/body/soul) for:

  • Overflowing energy

  • An invincible inner alignment

  • Nurturing relationships and more.


And yet it’s so simple!

Today in 2023, far too many people still feel more and more empty, lost and disconnected from their true power, from their essence.


Too overwhelmed by everything around us, we often forget who we are; we forget to have fun, to be in the present moment, to connect with ourselves and others and to marvel.


It's not your fault!

It is the result of years of misunderstanding how the laws of life and its creative power really work.


So today many people deprive themselves of their full warrior power simply because they just don't know how!


Which unfortunately pushes them to work excessively, not respecting their essence,


RESULT: they are completely burned, drained and misaligned... And I am very well placed to understand, this was my case for a long time... and if it is yours too, you don't have to wait again and again..;





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All of this pushed me to do a lot of research into my vitality, my physical and emotional health, etc.

After more than 15 years of studies, meetings
with clients, trial and error on myself…

I came to the conclusion that today's people really aspire:

  • To full authentic power

  • To live with your energy every day

  • To be a good parent

  • To be an excellent business person

  • To be an excellent spouse,

  • To be respected and valued in their various companies

They must absolutely practice an optimal lifestyle:

  • That highlights themselves

  • That gives them energy

  • Which calms their nervous system

  • That highlights their strengths, qualities and gifts


For this it is necessary to establish

  • Clearly our limits

  • Clearly our needs to others, to our children, to those around us

  • look whitin ourselves

  • Have a game plans

  • Realign misalignments

And as much as possible with pleasure, spontaneity and lightness. And above all by doing the physical and mental internal cleaning in order to feel and perceive clearly what needs to be done.


That's exactly the deep cleaning
I had to do...


Even though I had a well-stocked toolbox with my certifications in NLP, Hypnotherapy, Access bar, yoga, massage therapy, etc.

I did not understand the importance of certain specific things that I will reveal (transmit) during this “Empowering” retreat.

No matter how much I blamed my toxic relationships, external circumstances, work, lack of time, children, etc.

Without realizing it, I often gave my power outside. And I lost all my creative power that was in me, the same in each of us.


The real problem was even simpler, it wasn't outside, it was really inside ME!!


I gave way too much power and importance to others and circumstances, to my lovers, to my family, to my children, to everyone except the most important person...ME!!! I didn't know how to control my emotions, my energy and my mind.


From drained and disconnected…
to free and happy!

All this loss of power led me to feel drained, depressed. There was definitely something I didn't understand... Fortunately, sometimes I had the impression that life must be much nicer than what I was experiencing!! Several separations, chaotic relationships, disconnection, unhealthy eating and habits have led me to say to myself: Enough is Enough!


One morning, I decided to take a big step to improve my condition. Without knowing it consciously, I was going to create this new method. I even moved, not city, but country in order to be aligned with my soul! A big transformation! You obviously don't have to move! You will know the murmur of your soul. I realized that I had to take care of MYSELF…


I realized that I had to
take care of ME…

Using specific tools that I already had in my chest, I was able to create this simple, unique and effective method that I began to practice every day... To observe that my life was gradually transformed with more joy, lightness, more alignment. Everything finally made sense!


WOW!! It’s incredible…I started feeling again!!


Even if I allowed myself vacations, time with friends and leisure activities. I had literally completely forgotten and neglected along the way the most important person: ME... It was really by co-creating with LIFE that everything gradually fell into place naturally.


A simple method,
unique and very effective…

In this complete 7-day retreat, I will give you extraordinary experiences...which will then follow you in your daily life!!!


A powerful way of living connected to yourself and the outside world.

This is why, to save you from having to go through all the mistakes and pitfalls that I had to go through...

To save you a lot of time, energy and money I decided to create a unique full-week retreat in a corner of paradise in Nicaragua, where I live now...


To allow you to practice the XBUSHIDO lifestyle and vibrate on your “X” every day, and at all levels!!!


Isn't beautiful!!!


The RETREAT in Nicaragua allows:

To find the warrior that you are in your energy as a fighter of love

To make peace again

with yourself

To reconnect to your full power and vitality on a daily basis

To rediscover the pleasure of living authentically, by following your true flow…

To rediscover and reconquer the Human in you who loves to live!

XBUSHIDO is the Art of Living an ORGASMIK life! Which is totally enjoyable! It is a method to re-conquer and conquer the world!!!


A complete tropical week of:

  • Of rejuvenation

  • Entertainment

  • Powerful tools in all areas of your life

  • Specific varied activities and adventures

  • Rejuvenating and powerful yoga

  • Various meditation techniques

  • Training on the beach

  • Walk in the forest

  • Vision board

  • Miscellaneous sharing in groups

  • Various relaxation methods

  • Exploration of the sacred masculine and feminine

  • Massages available ($), surfing ($) available and exploration

  • Release of stagnant/buried/blocked emotions

  • Acceleration of the achievement of objectives

  • Exploration and discovery of inner powers

  • And so much more!!!!


  • Cocoa Ceremony!

  • Zipline in the jungle

  • Bathe in rejuvenating volcanic waters


Book Now:

Vibrate on your “X” with the XBUSHIDO method!

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We will get back to you shortly!

Jennifer is a passionate woman

in love with life itself.


She has a rich journey in the field of personal growth and an impressive pedigree of certifications: certified NLP coach, hypnotherapist, Sivananda lineage yoga teacher, boxing and Zumba coach, massage therapist, creator of the jayajuice company, access bar practitioner, etc. 


It all began with a personal quest to get herself out of the troubled waters, to LIVE instead of surviving. She conquered her demons, her fears, her inner and outer enemies.

Today, she is a victorious goddess of love and beauty (hence her spiritual name Jaya Devi). She guides healing retreats and VIP "tailor-made" programs which lead people toward optimal holistic mind/body/soul/ health. She helps bring out the life of your dreams with the help of her revolutionary XBUSHIDO transformation method in 4 unique steps: Conquer yourself, conquer the world to live an authentic and orgasmik life!!!





Jaya Devi (Victorious Warrior), serving warriors. Spiritual name that I received from my masters after my Yoga training.

1-514-884-4357 on WhatsApp 

What you will need to bring:

  • Your swimsuit/s!!

  • Light clothes

  • Pocket money

  • Solar cream

  • Running shoes

  • No glamorous clothes!
    But rather comfortable

  • Reading

  • A notebook, a pencil

  • Light clothes

  • Sunglasses

  • Your passport

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